
The Four Basic Gun Safety Rules, plus a Few More You Should Follow

The Four Basic Gun Safety Rules, plus a Few More You Should Follow

Knowing and practicing gun safety rules is the first step towards becoming a better shooter. Also, no matter what your expertise level is, safety should be your first priority. At Schminter, we are committed to providing quality information every gun owner should know.

Gun safety rules are a set of recommendations to avoid the consequences of accidental discharge and firearm malfunctioning. Since the destructive potential of these weapons is quite high, gun owners should not take the safety precautions lightly. No matter you are keeping the gun for self-defense or home defense, following the safety rules is a must.

Jeff Cooper, a reputable figure in modern firearms training has presented four basic safety rules which are widely accepted. His rules are universal and apply to every gun-owner, regardless of the circumstances and the expertise level of the shooter. Being a gun owner, it’s your responsibility to master these safety rules until the time they become a second habit. And this practice will surely help to reduce the risk of accidental injuries and deaths caused by firearms.

Rule # 1. Every Gun is Loaded!

This rule is also all about making a vigilant mindset. You just need to treat every weapon as if it is loaded even if it is not. Whenever someone hands you a gun, make sure not to treat it carelessly. There is also no harm in asking for assistance on how to unload it if you don’t know in the first place.

Additionally, never ever point a gun to anyone you are not intended to put a whole in. This is because we all are forgetful and there is also no reason not to treat firearms as loaded weapons. This practice will not only help to create safe handling habits. But you will also be able to follow the rest of the rules of gun safety.

Rule # 2. The Muzzle Principle

Always point the muzzle in a safe direction. Think of it this way, that everything that comes in its range is in danger. As a matter of fact, you’ll never want to cause accidental damage to property and people. Therefore, only point the muzzle to cover the things you want to destroy!

This also means that toying with weapons and playfully pointing them towards other persons or objects is strictly prohibited. Following this rule will help to avoid damages due to accidental discharge.

Rule # 3. The Trigger Principle

According to this rule, you should never place your finger on the trigger unless you are actually ready to shoot. This will prevent the firearm discharge due to accidentally pulling the trigger. Even though it might be comfortable to rest the finger over the trigger but is very dangerous too. Because your finger many moves due to several reasons. Such as stumbling, falling or startling of hand. This could further result in a very unpleasant situation. Therefore, train your self to place your finger above the trigger guard straight alongside the gun.

Rule # 4. Know Your Target, Its Surroundings and Beyond

This rule, if followed carefully, can significantly reduce the risk of collateral damage when you actually pull the trigger. First of all, you need to be very clear about what your target is, during the shooting practice. Because you can never bring back a bullet once fired. Therefore, the safety of the area that is in front, above, below and behind the target becomes your responsibility. Careful consideration of the intended target will minimize the likelihood of hitting the no-target around or beyond due to over penetration.

Additional Gun Safety Points

The above four safety rules are very basic and universally accepted rules for firearms safety. However, there are some other points that cannot be overlooked while handling firearms.

  • Always make sure to load a gun only when you intend to shoot and leave it unloaded when not in use.
  • Store the gun in a safe and secure place away from the reach of an unauthorized person.
  • Carefully unload the gun before handing it to another person.
  • Do not shoot during events and celebrations such as New years eve or Christmas. It is not only illegal but can also cause major damage in crowded areas.
  • Wear eye and ear protection before shooting.
  • It is also important to avoid drugs and alcohol while handling any kind of firearms.

Having a licensed weapon as your property is a full-time job. Therefore, you should be aware of all the safety rules and handling precautions. This will surely help to minimize the risk and dangers associated with these weapons.